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Educational Information

Please select the curriculum you're currently enrolled in and seeking placement for.

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NP Nation is a nationwide advocacy group and membership organization for nurse practitioners. NPN advocates for nurse practitioner rights and participated in campaigning for independent practice. As an NPN member, you'll gain access to discounted malpractice insurance and we'll send you occasional email offers for relevant products and services. There's NO COST for the Lite membership and you may opt-out at any time.

CMM Residency Program
Earn while you learn in our Transition-to-Practice residency program for NPs, PAs, IMGs, and practicing physicians. Acquire training, experience and the confidence to practice in the specialty of your choice.
Residency Registration

What is this?

The CMMRP is a structured, physician-supervised, Transition-to-Practice residency program for nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs), international medical graduates (IMG), and practicing physicians who desire training and experience in one of the 32 specialties we currently offer.

Who can be a resident and who are the teachers?

Any licensed NP, PA, IMG, or physician is eligible to apply for the CMMRP. Our instructors are all renowned physicians, board-certified in their specialties.

What are the benefits?

The CMMRP allows you to earn a living while you acquire training and experience in the specialty of your choice. Participating in this residency program will help you learn a new specialty, or increase your skills in your existing specialty. Our safe, structured learning environment will increase your confidence and help you transition to becoming a practicing provider. Our goal is for you to become a confident and competent provider and a valuable asset to any healthcare practice.

How it Works


Residents may be NPs, PAs, IMGs, or practicing physicians. After signing up and paying the $249 application fee, you may apply to up to five of our Clinical Site Partners (CSPs) located throughout the US. We provide your malpractice insurance, we handle your credentialing, and we pay you a living wage while you're in the program. Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate and the right to use the credentials CMMRC, to indicate your residency certification.


The CMMRP is built to the same standard as medical residencies. It features a didactic curriculum taught by our board-certified, Subject-Matter Expert physicians, and a clinical curriculum supervised by attendings at the CSP. Our didactic curriculum includes lectures, case presentations, procedure training, pharmacology, and more.


This is a one-year residency program, providing up to 2,400 hours of clinical experience, and 5,000 patient encounters during the year. We offer quarterly start dates, so there’s no waiting a year for match day.


We charge a $249 application fee, which covers the cost of your credentialing, background check, and drug testing. If you're accepted into our residency program, the entire cost of the program will be paid by the clinical site. Additionally, we'll pay you a monthly stipend and cover the cost of your malpractice insurance while you're in the program. After the residency ends, the site may offer you up to a three-year employment contract.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there any fees to participate?

    You pay us a flat quarterly price per resident. The price varies depending on the resident’s degree and experience. Beyond that, there are no other fees. If you choose not to take any residents, you owe us nothing.

  • Who determines the residency length?

    You determine the length of your residency program. The range is three months to one year.

  • Who owns the program?

    The CMMRP is owned and managed by Clinical Match Me.

    We provide the Subject-Matter Experts, the curriculum, the didactic course components, and training for your attendings. We also provide the residents, who come fully licensed, credentialed and insured. We handle all their payroll and HR matters as well. We expect you to follow our curriculum and uphold our quality standards. Therefore, while we informally refer to it as “your” program, since it’s being offered at your site, it’s actually our program, offered in partnership with your facility.

    This partnership arrangement is highly beneficial, because our branding establishes your site as a credible resident training site, making it attractive for residents to attend your program.

  • Are we required to hire the residents?

    No, you’re not required to hire residents after they complete their residency. You should think of the residency as a trial program. It allows you to evaluate each resident over the year-long residency, to decide whether you’d like to hire them as a permanent full-time employee.

  • How does the interviewing and onboarding process work?
    • After applying to your facility, each resident must be interviewed by one of your attendings.
    • After the interview, you have one week to accept or decline the resident.
    • If you accept the resident, we’ll send you a contract, which you must complete and return to us within two weeks.
    • We’ll file an 855-R within 45 days. During that time your resident will start the onboarding process with your HR team. We recommend waiting til the 855-R is fully processed before the resident starts. However, they can technically start any time after the contracts are signed and you’ve submitted your first quarterly payment.
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Frequently Asked Questions

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CMMRP Registration for Residents

Submit this form to register for the CMMRP Residency Program. We will invoice you $249 for the registration, which covers the cost of your credentialing, background check and drug testing.

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