FREE Signup

Professional Information

If you have an NPI number, enter it here. If not, leave this blank.

Please select your CURRENT health care degree. For example, if you are in school to become an APRN, your CURRENT degree is probably RN.

If you're affiliated with a medical practice, clinic or hospital, please enter the facility's NPI number. This is different from your personal NPI number. If you're not affiliated with a facility, or you don't know its NPI number, you may leave this blank.

Educational Information

Please select the curriculum you're currently enrolled in and seeking placement for.

Please contact us if you don't see your school listed.

We send SMS messages to update you on the status of your preceptor placement requests and notify you when preceptors send you offers. We do NOT send marketing messages and we will NEVER spam you. This is NOT required, but highly recommended, to ensure that you don't miss any offers or important updates. You can opt out at any time.

NP Nation is a nationwide advocacy group and membership organization for nurse practitioners. NPN advocates for nurse practitioner rights and participated in campaigning for independent practice. As an NPN member, you'll gain access to discounted malpractice insurance and we'll send you occasional email offers for relevant products and services. There's NO COST for the Lite membership and you may opt-out at any time.

Become a preceptor

Get paid to be a preceptor for nurse practitioner students

Precepting has been part of the nursing field since its inception. It’s a great way for students to learn from the experience of practicing nurse practitioners or medical doctors. Most students need a few days a week, for about ten weeks, and with Clinical Match Me, you can now get paid to be a preceptor.

The Problem with Precepting

With more than 600 masters and doctorate level nursing programs, plus 200 online programs, precepting has become burdensome for both preceptors and students. Now, more than ever, there are more students, more paperwork and more headaches for everyone. Competition for clinical learning opportunities has become fierce.

Crying nurse covering her face with hands, she is tired of working extra hours and seeing suffering and dying people


We know in a perfect world, you’d gladly donate your time to precept nurse practitioner students. Unfortunately, in the real world, your time is at a premium and you need to make a living. That’s why as a Clinical Match Me preceptor, you’ll earn a substantial honorarium for each student you train. We make it possible for you to get paid for sharing your knowledge and experience with nurse practitioner students.

Our Innovative Solution

We developed a proprietary technology solution that organizes and streamlines the process of matching students with preceptors. Instead of suffering lost productivity, fielding endless calls and emails from students, just login to our online portal to review students who meet your requirements. View each student’s details in a standardized format, then click the Offer button to offer a preceptorship to a student. We’ll pay you a $1,000 honorarium for each student who accepts your offer.

Female general medical practitioner using tablet computer in hospital office

Get Paid to be a Preceptor

We know in a perfect world, you’d gladly donate your time to precept nurse practitioner students. Nevertheless, in the real world, your time is at a premium and you need to make a living. That’s why with Clinical Match Me, you can now get paid to be a preceptor. We created a platform that pays you for sharing your knowledge and experience with nurse practitioner students. We invite you to join our network as we redefine the concept of nurse practitioner precepting.

Learn More

Watch this video to learn how to become a Clinical Match Me preceptor and start earning $1,000 for each student you precept.

Our time: 7:50pm EDT