FREE Signup

Professional Information

If you have an NPI number, enter it here. If not, leave this blank.

Please select your CURRENT health care degree. For example, if you are in school to become an APRN, your CURRENT degree is probably RN.

If you're affiliated with a medical practice, clinic or hospital, please enter the facility's NPI number. This is different from your personal NPI number. If you're not affiliated with a facility, or you don't know its NPI number, you may leave this blank.

Educational Information

Please select the curriculum you're currently enrolled in and seeking placement for.

Please contact us if you don't see your school listed.

We send SMS messages to update you on the status of your preceptor placement requests and notify you when preceptors send you offers. We do NOT send marketing messages and we will NEVER spam you. This is NOT required, but highly recommended, to ensure that you don't miss any offers or important updates. You can opt out at any time.

NP Nation is a nationwide advocacy group and membership organization for nurse practitioners. NPN advocates for nurse practitioner rights and participated in campaigning for independent practice. As an NPN member, you'll gain access to discounted malpractice insurance and we'll send you occasional email offers for relevant products and services. There's NO COST for the Lite membership and you may opt-out at any time.

Student FAQs

  • How does the process work for students?

    Please watch the following video, to view a detailed explanation of how our process works:


  • Are there any setup or subscription fees?

    No, we don’t charge any setup or subscription fees. We only get paid after we place you with a preceptor and you accept the placement. Additionally, you’re NOT obligated to accept any placement we offer you.

  • How much does this cost?
    • For Nurse Practitioner students, we charge a flat rate of $1,995 to match you with one preceptor for one semester. If you need multiple preceptors within the same semester, each preceptor would be charged separately.
    • For Physician Assistant students, we charge $495 per week.
    • The amount you pay includes our fee and the preceptor’s honorarium.
    • There are no sign up fees and no subscription fees.
    • You only pay after we match you with a preceptor and you accept the match.
    • You are NOT obligated to accept any preceptors we match you with.
    • We offer convenient payment plans, allowing you to make two smaller payments over a 30-day period, or four smaller payments over a 90-day period.

  • Can I submit placement requests for multiple rotations?

    Yes, and we encourage it!

    You should submit placement requests for all your upcoming rotations, even ones a year or more in the future. Remember, you pay nothing until we match you with a preceptor and you accept the match. Since you’re not obligated to accept, you have nothing to lose by submitting all your placement requests far in advance. You can always decline any offers you receive, or cancel the placement requests entirely. With Clinical Match Me, YOU are in the driver’s seat.

  • What if I don’t know the exact start date for my rotation?

    We don’t need the exact date. You’ll be communicating directly with your preceptor regarding your schedule, so we just need an approximate start date. In this case, we suggest entering the date when your semester starts.

  • How long does it take to be matched with a preceptor?

    It depends on when you need to start, where you’re willing to travel to and what specialty you need. We have thousands of preceptors in our database, but we can’t predict an exact time period to match you with a preceptor who meets all your requirements.

    We’re often able to match students the same day they apply. Other matches may take several days or weeks. The more flexible you are, the faster we’ll be able to match you with an appropriate preceptor.

  • What is your refund policy?

    Once we match you with a preceptor and you accept the match, we expect you to follow through. Preceptors can only accept a few students at a time and slots are usually booked well in advance. This means if you don’t show up, the preceptor has an empty slot that could have been offered to another student. Therefore, our refund policy is strict but fair:

    Refund Policy

    If your school does not approve the preceptor, or if the preceptor cancels, we’ll try to find you a replacement preceptor. You may accept or decline the replacement preceptor. If you decline, the placement will be canceled and you’ll receive a FULL REFUND.

    If you cancel for any other reason, or if you don’t show up for your rotation, you will not receive a refund. However, instead of canceling, you may request that your rotation be rescheduled for a future date. In that case, when you’re ready to move forward, you’ll just have to pay the rescheduling fee, which is 25% of the original placement fee.

  • Why is it so expensive?

    Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. We hire great preceptors and we pay them well. Obviously, this costs money. We also provide an advanced matching platform, that allows students and preceptors to get to acquainted, before committing to working together.

    Some students view their clinicals as an annoying obstacle to graduating. They want to pay the cheapest possible price, and get them over with, so they can start working. We’d rather deal with students who consider their clinicals a valuable learning experience, that helps them gain the real-world experience they’ll need, to become competent, compassionate healthcare providers.

    Unlike with other services, when you receive an offer from one of our preceptors, it means that preceptor is specifically interested in having YOU as a student. By the time you receive an offer, the preceptor at a minimum, will have reviewed your CV. Many of our preceptors will also message you, to request additional information before sending an offer, and some use our video meeting system to interview students.

    Just as preceptors have the opportunity to vet you, you also have an opportunity to vet them. Most of our students receive multiple offers from different preceptors. With each offer, you can review the preceptor’s CV and message them to request additional information. You can also request a video meeting.

    Finally, with Clinical Match Me, you’re getting much more than a preceptor. Once you become our client, we help you get hired after you graduate. Similar to how our preceptor matching system works, with our job placement program, you may receive multiple job offers, allowing you to write your own ticket. It costs you nothing to use our job placement system, since the fees are paid by the employer. And anytime you want to change jobs in the future, we’ll always be at your service, to help you find your dream job in whatever location you desire.

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