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CMM Residency Program
Partner with us to create your own in-house residency program. Hire better-qualified providers, trained to your requirements, at a fraction of your current hiring cost.
Apply to be a Clinical Site Partner

What is this?

The CMMRP is a Transition-to-Practice residency program for advanced practice providers (NP/PA, etc.), international medical graduates (IMG), and practicing physicians who desire training and experience in a particular specialty. We built this program to the same standard as medical residencies.

Who can be a partner?

We offer this program in partnership with private medical practices, hospitals and other healthcare facilities. By partnering with us, even a single-provider practice can now offer a residency program.

Why partner with us?

Your facility benefits by gaining access to our pool of licensed, insured, and credentialed NPs, PAs, IMGs, and practicing physicians seeking training in a specialty. This allows you to fill your open positions rapidly, and at a much lower cost, compared with headhunters, conventional staffing agencies, or your in-house HR department.

How it Works


Residents may be NPs, PAs, IMGs, or practicing physicians. We provide you with the residents, we pay them, we credential them, we insure them, and we handle all their payroll and HR issues. You pay us a flat quarterly fee per resident, which includes their pay, their malpractice, their tuition, and all other costs.


The CMMRP features a didactic curriculum taught by our board-certified, Subject-Matter Expert physicians, and a clinical curriculum taught by your on-site attending(s). Our didactic curriculum includes lectures, case presentations, procedure training, pharmacology, and more.


Our residents are licensed, insured and credentialed NPs, PAs, IMGs, and practicing physicians, so you can start billing for their patient encounters immediately. On average, each additional provider represents $300,000/yr in billings, which far exceeds the cost of each resident.


You must have at least one board-certified physician on staff, to act as an attending. We provide a separate online training program for attendings, to familiarize them with our clinical curriculum, and learn best practices for teaching it to residents.


This is a one-year, full-time program, providing each resident with up to 2,400 hours of clinical experience, and your facility with up to 5,000 billable encounters per resident. We offer quarterly start dates, so there’s no waiting a year for match day.


Each resident is contracted to work at your facility for at least triple the length of the residency. Thus, a provider who completes a one-year residency would be contracted for three years thereafter. This ensures that you’ll receive an excellent return on your investment in training them.

CMM Residency Program
Conventional Staffing

CMMRP Resident
Conventional Hire
Ease of Hiring

We match you with residents who fit your specific criteria. Upon mutual acceptance, they join your residency program. After completing their residency, you can hire them, keep them on as contract employees, or let them go. This is much more convenient than conventional staffing approaches, and gives you access to higher-quality, better-trained providers, who are excited to work, learn, and add value to your practice.

CMMRP Training

The CMMRP features a didactic curriculum taught by our board-certified, Subject-Matter Expert physicians, and a clinical curriculum taught by your on-site attending(s). Our didactic curriculum includes lectures, case presentations, procedure training, pharmacology, and more. After completing the program, your residents will have both the didactic training and the clinical experience to join your staff as valuable permanent hires.


Your residents come pre-credentialed, saving you the cost and hassle of this expensive and time-consuming process. This also means you can start billing for their patient encounters immediately. We perform original-source credentialing, which is the gold standard protocol.

Malpractice Included

We include malpractice insurance in the fee you pay for each resident. After a resident graduates and you hire them for a permanent position, you become responsible for their insurance.

1099 Contractor

You pay us a flat quarterly fee for each resident and we handle all their payroll, insurance and HR issues. Financially, this is structured similarly to locum staffing, but we expect our providers to transition into permanent staff members, after completing their residencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there any fees to participate?

    You pay us a flat quarterly price per resident. The price varies depending on the resident’s degree and experience. Beyond that, there are no other fees. If you choose not to take any residents, you owe us nothing.

  • Who determines the residency length?

    You determine the length of your residency program. The range is three months to one year.

  • Who owns the program?

    The CMMRP is owned and managed by Clinical Match Me.

    We provide the Subject-Matter Experts, the curriculum, the didactic course components, and training for your attendings. We also provide the residents, who come fully licensed, credentialed and insured. We handle all their payroll and HR matters as well. We expect you to follow our curriculum and uphold our quality standards. Therefore, while we informally refer to it as “your” program, since it’s being offered at your site, it’s actually our program, offered in partnership with your facility.

    This partnership arrangement is highly beneficial, because our branding establishes your site as a credible resident training site, making it attractive for residents to attend your program.

  • Are we required to hire the residents?

    No, you’re not required to hire residents after they complete their residency. You should think of the residency as a trial program. It allows you to evaluate each resident over the year-long residency, to decide whether you’d like to hire them as a permanent full-time employee.

  • How does the interviewing and onboarding process work?
    • After applying to your facility, each resident must be interviewed by one of your attendings.
    • After the interview, you have one week to accept or decline the resident.
    • If you accept the resident, we’ll send you a contract, which you must complete and return to us within two weeks.
    • We’ll file an 855-R within 45 days. During that time your resident will start the onboarding process with your HR team. We recommend waiting til the 855-R is fully processed before the resident starts. However, they can technically start any time after the contracts are signed and you’ve submitted your first quarterly payment.
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Clinical Site Partner Application

Submit this form to apply to offer the CMMRP Residency Program at your facility. There’s no cost to register and no obligation to participate.

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